
I used to write my CV with "All my professional know ledges are from real job, learning by doing".  It should be re-written with "learning by failing" today. 



Let's begin with this afternoon.  Our customer claimed that we have 80% of defected products, too incredible the number to believe,  in last shipment.  So we wrote an email to customer and enquired what is the exact inspection standard.  We followed the inspection standard which has been adopted for more than one & half year.  They did not have any claim until last shipment.



For this shipment, they claimed there are 20% of perfect, 60% poor, 20% totally unacceptable.   In my opinion, it is unfair that the customer claimed we have so many products unqualified without advising us correct inspection methods.



Their senior manager came to our factory this afternoon and questioned us "How come your factory doesn't have inspection standard?  Then how can we trust your inspection if you don't know what you are doing?" (We have inside QC for all of our products before loading the cargos)



"You told me you have visual inspection.  How can you guarantee each product is the same if you inspect the club by naked eyes?  What if one QC person inspect with left eye and next QC person do this with right eye?  How can you convince me your product are guaranteed?"



I am speechless, totally in silence.  Don't know how to response this manager's question.  That's No. 1 frustration.



No. 2 frustration is a quote problem.



As you know, I am from a low-end factory.  Actually I do not have many product knowledge.  All I knew before was trying to squeeze the price and make the best selling.  A quarter, even a cent, does matter.  This makes me encountered a big problem when quoting the price today.



Lack of understanding the process of high-end product leads me to ignore some IMPORTANT details accidently, which also makes me can not reply my boss' WHY questions.  I can not tell the differences between product A and B.  When my boss questioned me WHY I gave him this quote (he wants to know the reason), I am stunned.  With full product knowledge, my boss knows well every detail of the product.  I felt I am failed with his assignment.



stunned --> nervous -->  keep in silence again --> Orz --> feel frustrated



無限循環 in the hell



I would cry if I am a little bit more fragile.



    創作者 jcsouth 的頭像

    From the Ground

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