
Classical music and folk songs are quite different in a way. 


Rabbit Head started her classical piano lesson; meanwhile, I started my acoustic guitar as well.  We try to build up a band.  However, it seems we are moving on opposite direction, walking far from each other. 

JC: Do you practice piano these days?

RH: Yep.  How about you?

JC: Not very often.  I'm now stuck in how to calculate beats.  But we can still make a band, perform a song together....

RH: Ha! I know that.  But how?  I am afraid I'm going to play on my own, and you play on your own.... =.="

JC: Not a problem.  We can play Canon.  It repeats.  It's alright you go your way and I go my way.  We'll meet each other somewhere anyway. 



受電影「野蠻女友」影響,以下是比較受歡迎的浪漫的版本。我個人還是喜歡 Johann Pachelbel 的原始版本。 :)


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